On-call Engineer

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React vs Angular in a fresh project

2023-03-05 3 min read JavaScript
When starting a new project, there are many factors to consider when choosing which technologies to use. In the world of front-end web development, two of the most popular options are React.js and Angular. While both are powerful and widely used frameworks, there are several reasons why React.js may be the better choice for a fresh project. One of the key advantages of React.js over Angular is its flexibility and simplicity. Continue reading

The advantages of using the axios package in a JavaScript project

2023-03-02 2 min read JavaScript
Axios is a popular JavaScript library that enables developers to easily make HTTP requests from the browser or Node.js. It is a lightweight, promise-based library that provides a simple and elegant way to interact with REST APIs. One of the biggest advantages of using axios is its ability to make concurrent requests. Unlike the traditional XMLHttpRequest (XHR) API, which only allows one request at a time, axios allows you to send multiple requests simultaneously, which can greatly improve the performance of your application. Continue reading