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gRPC vs GraphQL: What are the differences?

2023-03-20 3 min read general

gRPC and GraphQL are both popular technologies used for building APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow different systems to communicate with each other. While they may seem similar at first glance, they have some key differences that make them more suitable for different use cases.

gRPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) framework that uses protocol buffers (protobufs) as the underlying data serialization format. It was developed by Google and is used in many of their internal services. gRPC uses HTTP/2 as the transport protocol and provides features such as bidirectional streaming, flow control, and cancellation and timeouts.

On the other hand, GraphQL is a query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook. It allows clients to request only the specific data they need from an API, and the server will return the data in a predictable format. This makes it easier to evolve an API over time without breaking existing client applications. GraphQL uses HTTP as the transport protocol and has the ability to support real-time updates through webhooks.

One of the key differences between gRPC and GraphQL is the way they handle data. gRPC uses a statically-typed schema defined using protobufs, which allows for efficient serialization and deserialization of data. This makes it well suited for high-performance services where performance is critical. However, it can be more difficult to evolve the schema over time, as any changes need to be carefully planned and implemented.

In contrast, GraphQL uses a dynamically-typed schema defined using the GraphQL schema language. This allows for more flexibility in terms of evolving the schema, but it can also make it more difficult to ensure the correctness of the data being exchanged. Additionally, GraphQL does not provide any built-in support for streaming data, so it may not be as well suited for use cases that require real-time updates.

Another important difference between gRPC and GraphQL is the way they handle errors. gRPC uses HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request, and additional details about the error can be included in the response message. This allows for a more fine-grained approach to error handling, but it can also make it more difficult for clients to parse the error messages.

GraphQL, on the other hand, uses a standardized error format that includes the error message, a unique error code, and optional details about the error. This makes it easier for clients to parse the error messages and provide a better user experience. However, it can also make it more difficult to provide detailed information about the error, as the error format is fixed and cannot be customized.

In summary, gRPC and GraphQL are both useful technologies for building APIs, but they have some important differences that make them more suitable for different use cases. gRPC is well suited for high-performance services where data efficiency and strict schema are important, while GraphQL is better suited for evolving APIs and providing a better developer experience. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on the specific requirements of your project.